December 27, 2024

Over the past five years, I estimate I’ve made the same lemon bar recipe dozens of times, if not more.

While the steps were second nature to me, I couldn’t remember any of the measurements. Recently, when I found myself typing “Sally’s Baking Addiction Lemon Bars” into my browser again, I wondered, “Is my brain going to mush?”

It turns out that my inability to remember certain information may be due to a cognitive bias known as the “Google effect,” or digital amnesia: the brain’s tendency to forget information that is easily accessible online. It can weaken your memory, says Cynthia Borja, project leader at the Decision Lab.

“One of the things we know about the brain and memory is that ‘use it or lose it’ absolutely applies,” she told CNBC Make It. “For example, if you tend to always rely on Google to remember a particular fact, rather than ‘using’ your brain to remember it, then your brain will be very good at not remembering it.”

If you always rely on Google to remember a particular fact…your brain will become very good at not remembering it.

Cynthia Borja

Decision Lab Project Leader

Borja says it’s worth spending more time and energy memorizing information so you don’t have to rely on a search box so often.

Here are three simple steps you can take to get off Google and improve your memory.

1. Pause before reaching for your phone

Just because you can’t recall something immediately doesn’t mean you’ll never remember it. Before Googling a question you’ve searched for before, Borja recommends spending a few minutes trying to remember the answer.

“Even if it doesn’t work at first and you end up having to Google it, you’ll slowly strengthen your memory pathways and improve your memory,” she says.

2. Write down what you want to remember

3. Restructure your thinking

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